Friday, December 16, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions – Do They Really Work?

According to trend analysis, the passion for New Year’s resolutions has been dampened. It is predicted that less people than ever will promise to improve their lives with a list of things they are going to give up or attain. 
Psychologists at the Lancaster University Management School, however, encourage people to make resolutions, as these are ideal ways to make changes in their lives, giving them a focus and targets to achieve.
The key is not to make too many resolutions and to make them as achievable as possible,” says psychologist Professor Cary Cooper. He warned people not to be too ambitious in making their resolutions. “The bad news is people make their resolutions unrealistic. New Year’s resolutions are good and they help you to reflect on your life, but you must have realistic objectives. You can’t have too many of them. You should just do a few at a time – two or three maximum.
Professor Cooper also advised that people should ask for help to achieve their resolutions. “A lot of people find it difficult to achieve their objectives without some kind of champion supporter. You have to get someone you can talk to and tell them about your objectives, and whether you have achieved them or not.”
According to the professor, many people only stick to their resolutions for a couple of weeks and then forget about them, due to the frantic lives they lead.  “Resolutions are useful but it’s like any target-setting; you have to give yourself a target that you want to achieve, and that is achievable.”
With Christmas over and the New Year just around the corner, most people are already thinking about what they want to accomplish.
For many, 2011 was a cycle of unending problems. But, as God assures us in His Word, “Behold, I make all things new…”  (Rev. 21:5). He is ready to turn your 2012 into the best year of your life so, this New Year’s Eve, we invite you to join us for a special Night Vigil, where we will enter the New Year in God’s presence.
Saturday, 31st is the final day of the Holy Fast of Daniel, and we will raise our shout of victory and begin the New Year with God’s power, to lead us to triumph.
Invite your family and friends to celebrate the beginning of the New Year. Our prayer is that 2012 will be none other than your year! 
Meeting: New Year’s Eve Night Vigil:
Date: Saturday,  31st December 2011
Time: 10pm – till late

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