Monday, April 18, 2011

It's called GOOD Friday for a reason

Curses, bad luck, negativity... are they real or just nonsense?
The Story of Vivian Katso: Four broken engagements
viviankatsoI was engaged to four different men in the space of six years. Every time I thought I had finally gotten somewhere, that this was my "Mr. Right", he turned out to be totally wrong. The relationship would start well but suddenly end, for no reason at all. I started thinking that men were all the same. I lost all my self-confidence, became depressed, and though I tried to drown myself in work to forget my problems, I still couldn't deal with my loneliness. People told me it was normal, but I started wondering what was wrong with me. The string of failures just couldn't be coincidence. It felt like my love life was cursed.
"The relationship would start well but suddenly end, for no reason at all..."
A trusted friend spoke to me about the church because she felt I needed some spiritual help and advice. I went along and to my surprise it was just what I needed. I spoke to counselors who really cared about helping me. Through their advice I regained my self-esteem. But most importantly, whatever was blocking my happiness was lifted through the deliverance prayers I received. Eighteen months later I was married to a wonderful man and today I am happier than ever.

curses-2Breaking the Curse

Curses, bad luck, negativity–call it whatever you like. The truth is that some things don't just happen by coincidence. There is a cause, a reason behind them. A family where all marriages end in divorce; a capable, talented person who can't keep a steady job; a woman who keeps attracting the wrong men and falling for one who doesn't love her, etc.

When is it just coincidence and when is something more serious at work? If you're worried by the string of negative events in your life and want help to put a stop to them, keep reading.

Good Friday
The Universal Church will host a special event on Good Friday April 22nd and offer strong prayers of deliverance for everyone who feels bound by some kind of evil. We are a Christian ministry specializing in helping people break free from curses, bad luck and all types of spiritual negativity. We believe that if Jesus took all curses, diseases, with him on the cross why should his people be suffering with them today?

This Good Friday event is for everyone, no matter the background or belief they may have. Cynics and sceptics are welcome, as are those who would only like to observe.

Click here to find the location closest to you or feel free to send us an email

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