Sunday, August 21, 2011

21 Aug
What's the Root Event?

Do you sometimes wonder:
  • Why can't I get rid of this problem?
  • Why do my problems go away for a while and then come back with a vengeance?
  • Why does my relationship/health/financial life/family/self never seem to flourish like other people's do? 
The Root Event is a series of seven meetings that will help you uncover the root of your problems and cut them off permanently.

When we want to get rid of a tree permanently, we know we must kill the root. The reason why we get frustrated with our problems is often because we keep dealing with the "leaves and branches", the things we see, but not with the root causes that feed them.
For instance, a couple may deal with the problem of constant fighting by apologizing to each other, promising to be nicer next time, managing to keep the peace for a few days, until a new argument comes up and the cycle starts again. 
What they may not realize is that apologies and promises to change are like cutting off leaves and branches of a tree. Give it time, and they'll grow again. A permanent solution will only come from cutting off the root of all the arguments. 
The problem is that, like most people, the couple may not even know what the root cause of their problem is!
This is where the Root Event will help you. You will learn to identify the root of your problems and how to kill it off. 
Please look at the trees in this picture. Think about what you see for a few seconds, then click on the image to learn more.
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