On Monday, a prostitue came into the church, here in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). She brought three other prostitues with her to the afternoon prayer. During our conversation, I said, "If you’d like, I can go to where you work. You can invite more girls to come and I’ll do a special prayer for everyone." They said, "Okay, we'll let you know."
I asked Marly, a girl from our church, to accompany me on the visit. It was set for Wednesday at 18h.
Well, I began preparing myself. Marly and I fasted and prayed in favor of the girls, so they’d decide to leave that life for good. I made copies of the letter you sent me in Portuguese and Spanish so I could give one to all of the girls.
When I got there, they were already waiting for us; their "boss", who is Spanish, was there too. I greeted everyone. Most of them were Brazilian; the others were Colombian and Dominican. There were 11 people in total.
I prayed for their protection and anointed them with oil. It was very strong; a great blessing. I told them I had a gift and handed them the letter.
You know, Mrs. Patricia, this great experience had such an impact on my life; I’m never going to forget June 29th.
Afterwards, they showed me where they lived, because people started gathering around. I went inside and prayed for three girls that lived there. One of them was very sick. She had been in a terrible accident and nearly lost her hand.
The girl that comes to church every day showed me her room. She explained how she was seeing everything in a new light and was certain of what she wanted for her future. She had gotten in contact with her father and asked him to forgive her. She was happy because her father asked her to return to Brazil and she agreed to go back in September. She also said, "When I get to Brazil, I’m not going to continue living like this. The first thing I'm going to do is find the Church, so God can help me restore my relationship with my son."
Inside, I was jumping for joy. I invited all of them to come to the woman’s meeting on Thursday at 20h and they agreed.
As I was leaving, I looked into their eyes and something already seemed different; they were happy, completely different from when I first arrived. Even their faces seemed different. One of the Dominican girls said, "I know you. Do you remember me? You gave me an invitation to a special service at the hotel and I went."
She explained that she began working as a prostitute two months ago, but didn’t want to continue living that way. She doesn’t live with the others; she lives in a separate room and only sees them at night when they go to work. In fact, many of them are so used to this lifestyle that they’ve even traveled throughout several countries because of customers. But she said, "This isn’t the life for me." And I said, "This isn’t the life for any woman. If you want help, you know where to find me. Why don’t you come to church tomorrow?" I gave her my phone number and told her to call me if she ever needed anything.
Mrs. Patricia, yesterday, was the happiest day of my life and I’m going to fight for them to leave that lifestyle. I’ve declared war and I won’t accept that only two of those women leave that life behind. I want all of them to be saved and I’m going to make sure it happens.
The Lord said to Gideon, "Go in this might of yours," and I’m also going in this might of mine.
I’ll tell you all about my experience and the outreach work we’ve been doing here, when I come to Madrid.
Mayra Cerón
Note: Patricia is a surgeon dentist. She’s married to Pastor Walber, who’s responsible for The Universal Church’s work in Spain. She is responsible for the outreach work they’re doing with prostitutes throughout the country.
Mayra Cerón is also a pastor’s wife. She helps Dr. Patricia reach out to prostitutes working in brothels.
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