Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A couple of days ago, during the service, I thought of an interesting way to explain why many people aren’t successful in the Campaign of Israel, as well as in other areas of their lives.
Many are "almost there!”.
They are almost baptized in the Holy Spirit, almost married, almost successful, almost healed, almost delivered from a spiritual problem, etc...
Why are they ALMOST there?
Because their sacrifice is also ALMOST there!
The rich young man ALMOST made it, but there was one thing missing.
Moses and the people of Israel almost made it into the Promised Land, but there was something missing.
Ananias and Sapphira almost made it as members of the early church, except they were missing the other half of their sacrifice.
Something was missing.
On the other hand, we have the example of those who were on the verge of losing everything, but they made it because they presented the perfect sacrifice.
Abraham and Sarah were nearing the end of their lives and didn’t have any children, but they made it.
Gideon and his people were nearing the end of their strength, but because of him and the 300, they made it.
Zacchaeus was almost doomed to spending eternity in hell because he was a thief, but through his sacrifice, he and his family were saved.
And the list goes on.
In this Campaign of Israel, those who understood are going to remove the word ALMOST from their sacrifice, and as a result, they’ll also be eliminating the word ALMOST when it comes to receiving their miracles!
Bp. Celso Junior
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