13 June
The Shield of Faith
Why do so many people fall away from the faith?
The soldier's shield was designed to offer protection against the enemy's arrows and swords.
Spiritually speaking, we know that the wicked one shoots his fiery darts at sincere Christians. That is, the devil and his demons are continuously firing darts of doubt to neutralize our faith.
The shield is an instrument of defense that's used to guard faith.
What good is having an active, living, effective faith, if you're not going to protect it from doubt?
The shield of faith can quench all the fiery darts of hell.
Whenever you have doubts about something, you must immediately grab your protective shield of faith. As a result, your faith remains pure and effective against evil.
When tempted, Jesus used His shield of faith - the Word of God. He used the shield of faith to protect Himself against doubt.
Those who want to keep their faith intact should never forget their protection.
Doubts will always come, but each one of us must fend them off for ourselves.
"Above all, take the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one." Ephesians 6:16
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Bishop Macedo
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