Monday, February 13, 2012

How to know if you’ve been cursed.

I call heaven and earth as witnesses 
today against you, that I have set 
before you life and death, 
blessing and cursing.
Deuteronomy 30:19
A curse is a negative force that persistently works to bring harm, misfortune, injury, or great evil upon a person. Although many skeptics dismiss the existence of curses, God Himself speaks abundantly on the subject in His Word. Not only that, the most practical evidence of the existence and effects of curses is found in the lives of millions of people who have experienced it. Try to tell them that curses are not real…
But how do you know if you are under a curse?
To answer that question, first you need to understand the dynamics and the anatomy of a curse; that is, how it behaves, and what it looks and feels like. Curses are:
  • Constant, always there
  • Cyclical, they appear in a pattern, not necessarily at precise time-periods
  • They may affect a person’s whole life or just focus on one area
  • Happen too often to be called coincidence
  • Have a demoralizing and weakening effect on the person – they “wear the person down.”
If you suspect you may be under a curse, the first thing to do is not to panic. You need to keep a sound mind in order to understand what is really going on. Don’t be quick to judge and call just any problem a curse.
Consider the situation or area of your life that you suspect may be under a curse. Can you trace the cause behind it? Why is it happening? Is it something that you should take responsibility for? For instance, suppose you have been financially in the red for the last five years. What started it in the first place? Did it just “happen,” for reasons beyond your control? Do circumstances keep on conspiring to keep you broke regardless of your best efforts? Or was it that five years ago you made a very bad decision and bit off more than you could chew by taking out a massive, high interest loan, which you’re still struggling to pay?
We shouldn’t blame curses for our bad decisions and choices. But equally, we can’t afford to turn a blind eye to bad things that keep on happening to us regardless of our best efforts to avoid them.
It is not a shame to admit that you may be under a curse. Remember, the devil’s greatest advantage is to get people to believe he doesn’t exist. When you don’t acknowledge the existence of a problem, you never fight it. God repeatedly called His people to acknowledge they were under a curse, so they could come to Him and be helped. Some of these people were even priests who worked inside the Temple, which shows that a person may be in the church and still be under a curse.
Just as God pointed this out to His people, so they would seek help from Him, we are pointing this out to you.
We are calling every person who feels or suspects they are up against more than just a coincidental run of bad luck to seek help from God. This Friday, the day of the week when our Lord Jesus became a curse for us (Galatians 3:13), we’ll call upon God to remove ALL CURSES from people.
Remember that what Jesus achieved for us on the cross – can be the day your curses turn into a blessing for you. “And it shall come to pass that just as you were a curse among the nations… so I will save you, and you shall be a blessing.”(Zechariah 8:13)
Claim that promise for yourself. Join us -
Event: Breaking Curses
Date: Every Friday
Time: 7am,10am,12pm,3pm,6pm
Location: Your local Guyana
Admission: Free

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